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|U-Save| Paper Edit

An Off-Line paper edit is an edit performed on paper without creating a video master or having to be in the editing suite. It also saves you a "ton" of money because you don't have to pay the editing rate to view and review the video clips you want to use in your production. You only pay a small fee to have your field (source) video burnt to DVD with a time code (TC) window.

The Off-Line edit provides a foundation for your production and helps the editing process proceed fast and efficiently. The Off-Line edit can also be performed by you at your office or from your home using your computer or DVD player.

To complete a basic off-line paper edit you will need a Tape Log and the script. Complex paper edits can also include lengths of music cuts and a variety of elements to be used in the project.

Creating a Tape Log

Creating the Paper Edit

Using the paper Edit

The paper edit will tell the editor which clips are to be used in the production, the order that they are to be used in, and how long they will be.

NOTE: Many individuals keep a short description of each numbered clip.

Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5